One of the best ways to keep in touch with your customers is still e-mail, e-mail marketing to be specific and yes, it works. In fact, it works better than ANY other form of marketing.
If you are like me, you follow a lot of companies – some from whom I can not shop because they are not in my local area. I still get info from them on a regular basis – some more frequently than others – and it keeps me in the loop on new products they offer, what is hot, special promotions or even just news about the brand. (Some day, I will be able to buy from them – for me or for a gift for someone where they are…but until then, there is something far more important to them.)
What’s more important – the e-mail has to be actionable. A link to the website, auto population of the savings or deal is, well, ideal! Make it as easy as possible for them to add an item, or 2 or ten to their shopping cart, pay from their saved card on file and check out. 60 seconds or less and you just kick-started your holiday. Constant Contact is $20 a month for up to 500 e-mail addresses (that’s as of today, you can check their pricing models here to be sure it is still the same deal).
So, do the math. $240 per year and if your average sale is $50 at a gross profit margin of 24% then you need just 1, just ONE purchase per month of your 500 names to pay for the service – that is just 0.2% of your customer base who can pay for the service. Do you have a better return rate than that? Great… keep it up. Keep growing. Hire more people. Take some time off. Spend it with your family. It will totally be worth it.
Are you ready to write some great e-mails? Do you need some help. Use your team…they can help because yes, it does indeed work.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS – Here is just a little peek at my in-bin this morning, I have already read many of them, deleted them or flagged for later. Oh, and yes, I already took action on some of the offers received recently. What does this mish-mash of brands say about me. Probably a lot.