You Can Look Back

It’s okay, you can look back And smile Or cry To remember And have that moment Seeing it in a different light Understanding what it meant And didn’t The problem only begins – or stays – if you know you Read More …

On A Quest

Not quite so medieval or tragic, but I am on a quest. Aren’t we all…I mean, really – so, what are you seeking? Here are a few guesses: The perfect vacation. A life of happiness. Longevity and health. Ability to Read More …

Impossible To Ignore

You must become completely and utterly impossible to ignore. I do not mean the intolerable toddler misbehaving. I do not mean the person plugging their ears chanting “la la la I can’t hear you” (on repeat) as you try to Read More …

Encouraged or Scripted

Sometimes, I wonder if someone is merely encouraged or scripted to say certain things. When you hear them say it – the words said in a such a way that doesn’t quite seem natural, almost forced and looking for a Read More …