Pay Yourself First

Pay yourself first. Old advice, often given, still applies. Maybe just with some modern twists. Of course, saving for the future, for holidays and for a rainy day is still valid today. But, also… Take vacation. Go home for dinner. Read More …

Do They Need to Know

It is one thing to think it, but do they need to know the brutal truth? Consider your words carefully. Just keep it inside. Be able to look the other way. Share good advice, telling stories and allegories – your Read More …

Let’s Communicate

Let’s communicate – we can find a way. I know we can’t just “stop by” and visit anymore…or can we? No one answers their phone anymore…or, do they? Send an e-mail, maybe that will work…except they say that they don’t Read More …

Do The Math

In your head or out loud, do the math. No matter what you say, no matter what the answer – make it sound convincing. Yes…that is pretty much all it takes. The people who speak first are the ones who Read More …