First Earthquake

Apparently, you never forget your first earthquake. Where you were, what you were doing and how it felt.

I am not sure how many readers have experienced one, but after today, I am guessing that number has gone up tremendously.

Today was my first.

(I mean, apparently there have been others near us, but I never could tell that it was happening. They were small less than a 3.0 Richter scale rating.)

This one counts. Somewhere between 3.5 and 4.0 here, altogether not a big one, but one side of that scale is significantly higher than the other.

It was loud.

It was unlike anything else ever experienced.

It was a cross between a truck rumbling down the street, and around my entire house all at the same time, Loud from the very beginning and then even louder. Things shaking. The house moving under our feet.

I have studied this natural phenomenon but at that time had not been able to experience a simulation in the college lab, I guess I would have been better prepared if they had figured out a way to do that. Also, since we don’t really live somewhere they happen often, what to do was off my radar. Hang up from Zoom call was on the top of the list, but honestly, all I did was tell them to hang on, mute the line and then get under the desk.

As soon as it was over, I immediately searched…while still sharing my screen “Earthquake near me”. Funny enough, Google doesn’t “know all” instantly. Thus the results of that search just seconds after the event gave me no positive return.

Yep, that was something. In the end, all okay here. Just a few things moved around, nothing material and no damage known…at the moment. Time of course, will tell.

So. If this was your very first earthquake experience, share what you thought, how you felt and what YOU did? It would be nice to know. Share your tips for next time. Yes, there will (now) likely be a next time.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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