A fun new acronym for parents. You are hoping for TILL or, “Today I Learned Lots” for short. Which is in fact, not likely to be the answer you get from your kids at the end of the day, sitting around the dinner table.

As a parent though, it is fun to ask kids in various ways – creative ways:

“What did you do today?” so that you do not, in return hear some variation of “not much” as a standard answer.

  • Tell us two truths and a lie.
  • What new topic did they teach today?
  • Tell us one good thing and one bad thing that happened today (also known as “thorns and roses”).

They may never say TILL – you may not either, as I have no illusions about who reading this blog would even say it but if you do, it would make me happy. Hopefully though, you may use one of these ideas to have a more detailed conversation, and get beyond a yes or no answer, which essentially ends the conversation.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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