You can do a lot with just the tiniest opening:
- on your calendar.
- in your schedule.
- of your opinion and willingness to consider other options.
Of course, it is all relative…but you can make it work.
Or, the universe will make it work for some other purpose that is completely out of your control.
I have been meaning to get my wireless earphones cleaned and or checked. They are fuzzy. The sound, totally annoying – to the point of not being able to use them. I only use one. Which, today, I lost. Left only with, yes…the awful, unusable one.
How did I lose it, you ask?
I dropped it.
In the way “things happen” it bounced, up and through the tiniest opening in a cabinet and into the dead space underneath. (If only I had cleaned the other one, or gotten it fixed, or was able to tolerate it enough for this to have happened to the annoying one.) So. Yes, anything can happen, including drilling a hole in your cabinetry.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl