Schedule Changes

Little schedule changes can make a huge difference some days.

Tonight was back to school night. Last year, it took us over an hour to get out of the high school – where we were parked in the overflow, gravel, game-night only parking lot.

Tonight, we had the bright idea to check in on the 7th period class to see if it was the same as 8th – skipping lunch (duh – tried first year, but they weren’t serving dinner, snacks or even drinks – I was willing to pay – as were ALL of the parents who came right from work to school and were seeking some, sort of, um, food.)

Knowing a bit more now helps. Like, how to get from one end of school to the other. Or… Where is the gym? Where is choir? Do I have time to return the pencil I took from English by mistake in second period?

It was an overall good night.

It was an overall good day.

It started early with meetings at the middle school where we have two kids this year. That was a change, too. It wasn’t in the plan 12 months ago. But, it is working out.

Plus, for tonight… because we know the ropes…

We got home in record time. We met all the teachers. Saw some familiar faces (some of the parents look an awful lot like their kids…) and it reminded me that our daughter went out on her own initiative to adjust her schedule, to make a few minor schedule changes that made her oh, so very happy. It is the little things that matter and have the biggest impact on our lives.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl


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