When you are pleasantly surprised…
- by a company,
- by a colleague,
- by an organization,
- by a casual friend – an acquaintance really – let’s not elevate them too high,
- by an institution,
so much so that you may not even believe it. You have to wait for the reality to sink in.
Your expectations may have been average, or even low. You set the bar lower than they performed/behaved. You didn’t want to be disappointed – so you didn’t look for much.
Then, you were pleasantly surprised and you had to comment, publicly, or at least out loud to show your gratitude and admiration. But. Should you be ready to accept something less, or are we just getting to be conditioned (in many circumstances) to accept less than you hope for and seek out in your every day life? Expect more. Demand nothing less. (Just be ready to pay for what you want.)
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl