There should be no ego in marketing…but there always is. Just look at Don Draper and Mad Men.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all about the brand. But…
Business owners, much like Don, tend to think of what they see for their business and then they try to get there. Traditional ways are not always good.
Sometimes, just sometimes, they think that they have to show the world “here I am” and that means retail space. Retail space means rent. Rent means overhead.
If your business is not all about “location, location, location” then, that is too much overhead.
Too much overhead means a lot of things, besides cutting into staff wages and profitability, it means that you may not be able to spend the money on marketing and advertising that you need to spend.
If I owned a service based business (oh, wait, I do) and I could spend $1,200 on rent on Main Street or the same (or even half) on social media to promote my business, I would choose the latter.
Sure, you want people to see you. But if you let go, and trust in the power of the internet…prove that you have no ego and put the money there…let them see you online and they will. Oh, they will.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl