Inspired to Imitate

Inspiration comes in many forms, but the one that is often most common is being inspired to imitate.

This will get you started, whether you are an artist, a business owner or, maybe even a parent.

Inspiration may get you going on working through the craft, imitating someone successful. Then hopefully becoming more unique and creating your own style.

Inspiration may get you to be willing to open a business, imitating a local (or national) competitor. Then hopefully doing something (or a bunch of things) to get you to a point where you are making money.

Inspiration may get you “ready” to have adorable, well-behaved, clever children who were not (actually) born that way; they have been imitating their elders (and peers.) Then, hopefully, you are also adorable, well-behaved and clever and you are able to reproduce your desired results.

It is easier to be inspired to imitate, than it is to be able to duplicate the results. Good luck to you in any of these – and other – endeavors you attempt.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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