The three things that mean more to us than things…are friends, family and our history.
Of course there may be more, but these come to mind today.
The stories we share all overlap in a beautiful tribute to our lives.
What we experience with our family and our friends from the time that we can walk, to our time in school, at work and throughout adulthood all make us who we are in some way or another. We in turn shape the others around us in some small or impactful way.
This is our story…it can change direction at any time, any day and for any reason -our stream of consciousness allows us that freedom – finding our place, our happiness, our comfort. The ability to see, so clearly, what is important. Write your story, share your thoughts, expand on the experiences and pass all of it on to the next gen who come after us.
In life my top 3 are (today) friends, family and our history that binds us together. In the end – if we have that, we have everything.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl