Why Not Stay On DST

Why not stay on DST all year long?

There must be a valid reason to go back to standard time in the fall besides gaining back an hour and being able to sleep in after Halloween bar hopping.

Perhaps people are just generally opposed to it because then the winter mornings will be dark until about 8 AM (maybe even a bit later) which is really much worse in some parts of the country.

Perhaps it is because Arizona would always be on “Pacific Time” – I mean, that isn’t the worst thing, they are close-ish and not entirely out of the time zone.

Perhaps it is because we won’t be able to complain about changing the clocks.

Perhaps it is for the fire safety reminder…you DID change the batteries in your smoke detectors, right? (If not, you should check that. Today.)

Perhaps many people in charge would actually go the other way and stay on Standard time. Then that would have all of the “we like it to stay lighter in the afternoon and evenings” people up in arms, begging to continue to swap between the two.

Not sure the answer to the question, but asking anyway…why not stay on DST for the entire, full, 12 month long year?

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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