When you look into the future, who do you see there?
- Do you see yourself, the same way you are today?
- Do you see yourself the way you want to be (again) or as you will be tomorrow?
- Do you know who will be with you to help you and guide you – to be a part of your life?
When we are little kids, we think about the lives we know as role models – our parents, firefighters, astronauts, doctors, nurses, our older siblings and grandparents. Maybe it is someone in the community who owns a business or manages a big event like the annual Halloween Parade. The teachers, artists, athletes…the local police chief, the coffee barista who makes the perfect pick-me-up (for mom who needs just a little caffeine in the morning.)
Whoever it is – they are just a small part of who you are and who you will become.
Hopefully, as adults, we still see these same people as our role models and we put our trust in them that they will do everything they can to help the people around them succeed, grow, develop and become better in their tomorrow.
It is always my hope that it is the closest family members make the biggest impact, but there is always opportunity for others to round us out. Who is helping you – and your kids – get to the next step?
From Elementary school, into Middle and High Schools when peers matter so much. Remember that as adults – it is our peers, too – who make it better, or worse as the case may be.
Who do you see helping you go to the next place you are meant to be? Let them know you need them and be there to help them too. Together, we are our biggest and best potential to be better.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl