The Voices of Today

I can’t help but wonder sometimes about the voices of today when portrayed in historical settings.

It seems normal until you start to analyze the dialogue.

Examine and break down vocabulary, phrasing and slang in the book or movie.

Maybe it didn’t use to be a conflict in my brain, but now it is.

How people interact. What they say when they talk to their parents, children, peers or strangers. The types of debates they have. Even what they wear or eat. How they go about their day in their home and work life. Balanced or not.

Mostly, though it is the language.

No matter if the story is set 40 years ago, or 400 years ago – I can’t help but wonder – is that what would have happened? Is that what they would have said?

Our current perspectives and the voices of today are doubtfully part of history – but someday they will be and that makes me curious to think. What will our future generations think of the retelling of today and if they read it, verbatim from a blog, website or social media archive? Will they even be able to believe it? Or, will they think it is entirely made up by someone wanting to entertain others?

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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