If there was a way, besides living in California, to experience the endless perfect summer – this year, from May through August, would be a great promotional video. (While I have taken nearly 3500 pictures, they are not quite a video…maybe a long montage?? I’ll have to think about that!)
It’s just that I am sad that it is ending so soon.
- Like other summers, I don’t want it to end.
- The kids definitely don’t want to go back to school.
- Most everyone I am coming across don’t really want to go back to the more vigorous hours that come with a non-summer season, either.
It’s not the people haven’t been working for these last four months, it’s just a different perspective. The days are longer, the extra “sun” hours allow for just as much work time and allow for more “fun” hours.
Weekend escapes just give you a bigger break. And maybe the laundry can be done faster with smaller clothes (shorts and tees don’t take up nearly as much room as jeans and sweaters.) Or, maybe it is an awful lot of “bathing suit time” that allows you to “conserve” washing as much as you would at any other time of the year. (Hey, no judging…we still wash those bathing beauties, but they are also lots smaller and they dry quickly.)
If I had been born in Southern California my mentality would probably be different – I’d probably not have my hot coffee habit, but could probably be easily convinced to say hello to iced coffee, or iced tea and green smoothies…
I just know that summer is by far my favorite season…and I am certain I am not alone.
Sure, they live in the endless perfect summer out there in Cali, but do they ever tire of it? I imagine, that I would. And then I wouldn’t have any really special reason to rejoice when May comes around next year. No worries… I am not saying good-bye yet, just reminding myself to enjoy the last 4 weeks, in spite of school starting and the cooler nights changing the belief that it is, indeed, still a beautiful summer. Take a picture in your mind, or a real picture and maybe, a little video will also help you remember.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl