Everyone and I mean everyone should be sure to take time off after busy and stressful times of the year as well as those events that are quite successful and long or short term accomplishments have been realized.
No group of “people”• know this better than retailers in January. It is logical that advertising via direct mail goes on a temporary hiatus after the Christmas holidays. Spending is wild and frantic in the latter part of the year, but lean and slow in the beginning of the year, so don’t ask for attention in January.
- They are people, they just aren’t individuals, they are more like teams of people executing well-planned out merchandising, sales, holiday seasons and promotional programs.
The first 3 weeks of the year are well behind us but this week, we know that the year is back in “normal mode”. How? The mail box is full again.
With all of this new workout gear, promises of love, happiness and chocolates for Valentine’s Day; I am thinking that it is right to take time off – in this case, not a vacation, but a pass on reading the promotional pieces; maybe just glance and toss into the circular file (which goes into the recycling bin), no need to save or read these now. I’m still on a break.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS Also…since the demos on our house still include an 80 year old couple the info is just a bit skewed, not in need of hearing aids, retirement living, or free dinners to learn how best to spend the retirement years.