Only One Minute
It takes only one minute… To miss your train. To answer the call. To check in on a friend. To ask for help. To say I’m sorry. To pick something up. To make a difference. To be there. To choose Read More …
It takes only one minute… To miss your train. To answer the call. To check in on a friend. To ask for help. To say I’m sorry. To pick something up. To make a difference. To be there. To choose Read More …
You can mix and match holiday meals…it doesn’t all have to be the same every year. A little of this and a lot of that. Family. Potatoes. Days off. Butter (and more butter). Binge watching. Carbs of all kinds. Cheers Read More …
Holidays, regardless of where you are, or how you celebrate is about making new memories. Every year there is an opportunity to try something new. This year, we are trying what the kids (often) would like best…to stay home, sleep Read More …
Every day take a moment to breathe and see something new, something in a new light, something different. In your home, your office, your place of business, getting in your car in the parking lot, and even in your every Read More …