When sun and snow collide – like today… there is a bit of disbelief. Like Friday the 13th and a full moon. Fear and disbelief. With a bit of awe mixed in for the fun of it.
With a high of 68 degrees on Wednesday and snow pending over night, temps will drop nearly 50 degrees to accommodate the arrival of winter. At least the forecast says that it will snow.
It has been a mild winter so far, in spite of winter planning – nature’s planning. We should have known from the (seemingly) billions of acorns that dropped from our oak tree this past fall and the plethora of lady bugs who have moved into our attic. I have to wonder how it is that the sunniest of friendly bugs and the strongest of shade trees would have known that the winter would be (eventually) cold and snowy.
Is it a pattern? Do we need an exterminator? Should I have tracked this the last time it happened (at least a few years ago from my vague mommy brain recollection.) Probably.
Planning is typical – milk. bread. eggs. Yes, I bought eggs, but also half-and-half (for coffee), cream cheese, hummus and donuts (to go with the coffee, of course). These apparently are the best things to have when it is sunny and the lady bugs are flitting about or when it is snowy and we are snowed in.
Scientific method could have given us the information on whether or not there is a pattern, when sun and snow criss-cross converging to overcome an entire region. I just don’t know if is (a pattern.) Could I have predicted the weather, can anyone? Half the region is closing down already and the other half, like my kids, is skeptical…and not admitting that there will be an actual storm. No matter what, we are prepared. For anything.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl