It is always good to have a timely message. One that is relevant and will resonate with your audience. When you cause fear, like promoting storm readiness; people listen.
Business owners today were getting free advice. How to keep business and commerce going – in spite of the storm. Today, I saw at least 2 or 3 marketing service providers who sent out messages about making the most of the snow day in regard to retail, aka ways to drive online sales and keep income and sales going in spite of the people who were stuck at home.
The rent is still due. The full-time salaries still have to be paid. Utility (flat fee) services are still charged. Expenses don’t usually go down enough to compensate for a lost day of sales.
This one message in the image here was more about being prepared.
Not, as in milk, bread and eggs, but as in fast and “always on” internet.
Today’s storm was luckily brief, not as widespread, nor with the greater snow fall as predicted on the top end of the forecast. The power stayed on, along with the heat and yes, the internet. Which of course, allowed us to work uninterrupted, except for the interruptions from people who couldn’t go to the office and decided to “get something done” while working from home.
Thank you Verizon, for sending out this timely message and making it ultra clear that we need back up to maintain fios services in the event of a power outage, due to a storm. At least they are looking for ways to help us…maybe for business, maybe for the kids or maybe, for our sanity.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl