It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how much you have done, you are still a kid to someone.
- You could be 18, or 58.
- You could still be in school, or the principal of one.
- You could never have lived on your own, or raised your own family and some of theirs in yours, too.
- You could take a nap, or help someone get to sleep.
- You could be the one to help others, or need help doing something.
- You could feed a family, or be fed by your family.
- You could laugh at the things that a teen would think is funny, or would be too embarrassing for them to laugh at with you.
- You could stay up late enough to watch the sunrise and still go to work, or you could sleep in and be thankful someone else went out and got donuts for everyone else in the house.
No matter who you are, how mature or not (you are), you are still a kid at heart if you let yourself be that way. There are benefits to getting older, more mature and having experience, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t still do the things that they would do…Also, it doesn’t been that you don’t have to be available, ready and willing to do the things they need you to do (even if they can do them on their own), too.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl