You (any human) can only do so much for one day.
After that you have to take a break.
- Eat lunch.
- Take a walk.
- Have dinner.
- Take a nap.
- Chat with friends.
- Take time off.
- See a your family.
- Take a time out and sit down.
- Do nothing.
- Vedge.
- Meditate.
- Stop doing too much.
- Actually take a vacation.
- It is summer, after all.
Weekends are not always enough…only so much for one day is recommended…and on top of that, only so much can be done in a week, month or year. Know when to stop. Know when to walk away. Know when to… well, you get the idea.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS If you are singing a special song from the 70s you are welcome.