Depending on when you are reading this, tomorrow – aka Tuesday November 7th – is election day. It isn’t all that surprising that many are looking back on a year ago and they wonder what they could have done differently. They are thinking, oh, what a year it has been.
So, whether you are mad, sad, glad or neutral (not sure how you could be that last one…I think most fall into one of the first three options,) you need to show you care and get out and vote.
For most areas, this is the local stuff, such as supervisors, borough/town/city councils, state level legislature and bills or statutes. They are all important issues to adults – no matter where you live – there is something going on that may change the way your lives are lived based on the people who hold public office around you and the decisions they will make.
With or without your support.
So, go and make sure that in year’s time, you feel better about the way you live; otherwise and the ones who do not vote may be saying oh what a year has brought and they have only themselves to blame.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl