From the littlest to the not so small towns across America, there is a very big day ahead. This weekend, we celebrate Small Business Saturday and let me tell you, it is big and getting bigger.
In the last 8 years, since Small Business Saturday was created in 2010 it has continued to grow. Originally conceived and sponsored by American Express it was further promoted by business owners, local officials, plus retail and business associations all across the country.
It was also supported by people like you.
Now, it is officially recognized in all 50 states and most retail and restaurants participate, along with a growing number of service based businesses, too.
Every person who owns a business, hires local people and pays taxes locally. They make up the very largest percentage of commerce in the country.
Nearly 80%.
It is important, now, just like before, to support them. No matter what you do all through the year, at least this weekend, please make a statement and go out, say hello to them, vote for them with your support from gift buying, lunch outings and coffee breaks.
Then, next week and the week after, keep doing it. They really appreciate your support.
Local ownership matters. Whether the owners created their business from scratch, it was handed down to them from their family or they signed on with the support of a franchise – this thing called small, local, privately owned business is not so small at all.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl