Milestone Birthdays

I’ve probably blogged in the past about milestone birthdays but parties for different ages or different people warrant celebrations of their own unique style. Make no mistake, they ALL warrant a celebration. Not just because Hallmark says we should, but because we really need to take a moment to reflect, laugh, remember and smile…

Tonight we celebrated a long time friend. The party was hosted by his wife – for his family and his friends – while it was quite simple, at home (semi-catered) it was very special indeed.

We had fun laughing about new products that he can buy, like denture cream and Centrum Silver or the little blue pill (don’t need the blue TicTac’s kids!) But what I’ve found, is that getting together, for any occasion, can still be fabulous.

My longtime friend (our hostess for the evening) and I have been close for more than 20 (something) years. She throws a party for any occasion that her family has, from birthdays, to an anniversary of something that happened three years ago or even a great baseball season. I used to think it was excessive, but I have realized, that she learned something earlier than I…it is definitely about the moments that take our breath away.

Thank goodness for her vision, her willingness to goto four restaurants to pull together everyone’s favorite foods (especially stuff she doesn’t even eat.) Like tonight, every time I think back over the day or the evening’s events, I am certain that these celebrations, milestone birthdays especially, no matter how big or small the party, are just one of the many reasons we enjoy our lives together. Share a memory, share your lives, savor the moments of life, each, in their own way, a reason to celebrate.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl


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