We spend our time filling the shelves with everything around us with photos, memorabilia and books (oh, and more books.)
The digital age was supposed to help us eliminate paper, but we still love the tangible.
We take tons and tons of pictures on our phones; the technology keeps getting better to make the images even better and then we can print them, too.
We read our news and even books online, or on our eReaders (I like the nook but my friends like their Kindle.) When we really love a book, we want a copy that we can hold, save and re-read whenever we want. We can flip the pages, make notes in the margins (sacrilege) but we can do with it whatever we want. Oh my, we can even share it…sharing an ebook is complicated and sometimes, seamingly impossible.
It is more than just filling the shelves, it is remembering where we went, what we did, who was with us and how adorable the kids were back then. It is filling our lives with things that are most important to us. Today, tomorrow and all of our yesterdays.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl