No matter what you have to do, no matter how much effort it takes – when it comes to friends always say yes.
- Yes, I’d be able to meet you for breakfast.
- Yes, I can drop you off at the car dealer.
- Yes, I will go to the mall/store/shop with you.
- Yes, let’s do drinks tonight.
- Yes, he loves you and you love him, you should marry him/stay married to him.
- Yes, I am home if you want to pop over.
- Yes, I will stand up for you.
- Yes, I will wear whatever dress you choose.
- Yes, I can help you fold laundry while we chat.
- Yes, I will be there to hold your hand when you need someone who can just sit there and not say anything.
- Yes, let’s go get a pedicure.
- Yes, you should have another baby.
- Yes, I will (at least try to) read that book you recommended to me.
- Yes, I will be there for you.
- Yes, I will call you when I need to vent, cry, laugh, get a second opinion.
- Yes, let’s do lunch.
- Yes, let’s stop at the store for a bottle of Prosecco.
- Yes, let’s get each other goofy t-shirts.
- Yes, let’s donate our birthday to our favorite charity.
- Yes, let’s splurge.
- Yes, let’s try bungee jumping, the trapeze, Zumba!
- Yes, let’s do something all day and all night and maybe one more day.
- Yes, let’s binge watch 4 more shows.
- Yes, let’s order a bottle of wine.
- Yes, let’s stay for another hour.
- Yes, let’s do this again, sooner…
There are so many reasons you could say no – work, family, money, time – but you should always say yes instead.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl