Gifts They Need

Looking at your kids, sometimes, there are gifts they need and even though it won’t be their favorite gift now, someday they will look back and can’t believe they miss getting new ones.

When we were kids, we received gifts that my grandparents knew we would need as we were growing up. They were often clothes, or books, things that while my parents could have gotten them for us, we could not exhibit disappointment from the grandparent’s gift like we probably would have to our parents.

It would not be polite – one has to be gracious. Plus, for every pair of pants, socks, fancy pajamas or underwear (days of the week thank you very much…) there was something most definitely in the fun category – a game, a toy, electronics or elaborate candy in a fun bag or tote.

Keep in mind, they like the jeans that way. You know, the ones with the ripped knees and threadbare edges. Those are by design. So, don’t replace them and definitely do not cut them off to be shorts…

Some times, when when we look at the “lists” we don’t want to pick gifts they need – even though they grow, things wear out or they have new activities. Supplies to replace the arts, crafts, leveling up on games in the series and books at new maturity levels. No matter what, we want to make it special – but sometimes, it is exactly the things that are needed that are gifted – with maybe a little something fun thrown in for good measure.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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