Today’s post is about a totally different type of legacy from yesterday’s. This one, is about the old systems that companies have and keep – the one that tells you that your order shipped.
They are so proud of themselves. They are right on top of their process. Or, maybe they were 20 or 30 years ago. But, not today.
These companies stick with the system or process that worked, regardless of the advancements in technology. Maybe they just have too much invested, or it would be a new cost for something they have that already works…or does it?
The email, so proudly stating “your order shipped” was sent (and received) 4 days AFTER the item arrived at my house. Sorry Sears. I know you have the only circuit board available to fix my 15 year old air conditioner, but your legacy systems and your database has to be improved. I will offer Kudos for getting it to me early, rather than late – but clearly, I am aware that the item was shipped. It was installed (sadly, it did not fix the problem, but that is a totally different issue.)
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl