
I see branded and wrapped vehicles all the time – you do, too. What do YOU think when you see them? Do you think: “Hey, that’s pretty cool, I should go to that place and try their _______________ (food, services, buy their stuff)!?!”

Or, do you think, wow, that guy was a total jerk, can’t believe he cut me off! Wow, look they work for _________________, I won’t ever go there…

I recognize cars on the road all the time. I know who drives them. I could think “that” of anyone who was a reckless, but that’s personal. It’s their life. I don’t let it bother me. But…when I see a car that is fully wrapped with a brand’s logo and company’s image doing that – I feel so bad for the owners. I hope it isn’t the owner, they should know better and they probably shouldn’t let that person represent them on the road.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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