Wholesale Only

As a consumer, if I find a great place that makes, grows or sells cool stuff, seeing a sign that says “Wholesale Only” makes me, personally, kind of sad.

You know, for me.

And, of course for all the other people who like quality things. In bulk. At a great price.

That personal sadness, of course, doesn’t mean that a company should sell at retail.

Sure, even if they have good retail frontage and a good name. Oh, yes, and they get traffic – lots of cars passing by their location – every single hour of every single day. Some people might think that it would be good to offer retail transactions.

In this particular instance, now matter what the traffic, no matter how much throughput they could add from retail customers, they are certainly better off  – even if they annoy the people who drive by there every single day who can’t buy anything.

Stick to your business platform and model, limiting your offering to wholesale only. It just isn’t worth it to add sales at $10, $20 and even $50 per transaction when most of what you do is $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000 and more per transaction, per wholesale customer. It’s just different and that is okay. We are all different in one way or another and that what makes it so great.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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