A lot of online retailers now are offering for you to try it first before you commit to the purchase. They offer no obligation, free returns, so you don’t feel like you paid more to order it online. If it doesn’t work, or fit your style, the space you have or the color is off, you can send it back, no harm done.
This isn’t a new concept, but they are using this model because it encourages sight-unseen purchases. In most cases, people keep the item and don’t return it.
Restaurants, rarely offer for you to try it first, because it is complicated for the chef to make a small portion for someone to try just a taste. So, people take a chance, or don’t, based on their willingness to risk. On the other hand, ice cream shops and craft brew houses do offer samples. It is an easy thing to do that keeps the customer happy. In tonight’s case, I was the happy patron. Happy to have been able to try Space Monkey Saison and to choose another option, Boulevard Tank 7, Farmhouse Ale instead of being disappointed.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS In my world, the Boulevard Tank 7 (Farm House Ale) is more my style than the Space Monkey (Raspberry Saison).