This or That

Would you rather have this or that?

This: Your hot water heater breaks in the cold of winter? Keep in mind that it is a time when you can layer on extra clothes while you wait for the repairs and not seem to “obvious” about a lack of shower for a day.

You can boil water for the essentials, get take out and use disposable plates after all of the everyday dishes are used, stacked up, rinsed and waiting to be washed in a day or so.


That: Your hot water heater breaks in the heat of summer? This is a time when the ambient temp of the water being 55 degrees once it runs from the street’s main water supply to your shower head doesn’t feel like ice daggers, but is instead refreshing and invigorating.

You can also boil water for the essentials, get take out or grill and limit the amount of flatware needed for each meal.

Since cold plunge is not in my vocabulary…I think you know whether this or that would have been my preference. However, if we are talking “ideal world” scenario the best option would have been replacing it – proactively – one week ahead of the natural demise of this very lovely, modern day, can’t live without home appliance.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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