This is Trash

I know. You will just have to indulge me, but…this is trash.

This old garbage can that we have used for years. This is trash.

Not the stuff in it, the can itself. This is trash.

Please take…this is trash.

What do you write on the can, or the bin? How can you tell them you don’t want them anymore?

I know that the rest of the world has serious problems, but this is one, too. While it may be minor, it is still a struggle and the struggle is real.

I think they are just ignoring me. I am pretty sure they know exactly what I mean when I put a label on the – beat up, full of holes, no longer has a lid, cracked at least 12″ up from the bottom, out at the curb, with a sign on it “TAKE ME” – waste bin that has been replaced by their company with a new, durable, fits onto the auto-lift, save their back, mechanical device.

This is trash. Please take it.

~ Dawn aka Hat Girl

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