So grateful to the math nerds, the science geeks and the Twitter fanatics for thinking of Pi every year on March 14th – they have made it socially acceptable to think that number is cool.
Since a circle is my ultimate, hands down, favorite shape, I have to love Pi. It wouldn’t be possible to figure out anything circular without it. Not a structural column, the size of the right tire or how much dough you need to fill the pan.
As i was thinking all of this earlier today, planning out my blog, i read the news this morning about Steven Hawking. It was so sad. I mean, I didn’t know the man, but he meant so much to so many people and really changed our view of life, the universe and how powerful the mind can be.
So, for all of you out there, in this great big universe, whether it is the magic number, apple pie or pizza – I am so glad you’re thinking of Pi today, tomorrow and always. Remember, whatever you think you can achieve is possible – even if you don’t need Pi to get there – you very well may need math, science or at the very least a great slice to help you on your way.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl