How did the red cup become so controversial? Don’t we all love it?
Yes, it could have been an entirely staged publicity stunt or a simple rant by one that went viral…
I was at Starbucks twice in the last two days, I bought a couple of coffee lattes and a few black shaken ice teas. I also bought an Advent Calendar and a reusable Joy cup. Plenty of Christmas holiday spirit in the store, even though it is still weeks from Thanksgiving.
Why are we in a rush?
From the front door to the barrista at the register. It is holiday, decor and merchandise – everywhere – and I mean, everywhere in retail.
To the barrista, I said, “it’s too early to say Merry Christmas…” so – he said “Happy Wednesday. Happy Veteran’s Day, too.” Which was completely appropriate and we both shook our heads.
You can’t take away the joy people find in filling up the red cup. Whether it is their plastic Solo 18 ounce or the holiday blend at Starbucks…people love raising their cup and enjoying their BEvERage, whatever it is that they are drinking.
Cheers, Dawn aka Hat Girl