Ever been asked by a leader, manager or teacher to “tell us about” your background, yourself, (or even your kids)?
What can you say in just a few minutes, on a small piece of paper or index card that will actually convey the essentials about you – and what can you say about your kids – is there really enough time to do any of that?
You could talk about your childhood, your high school years, the sports you played (or wanted to play), the classes you studied, friends you made, roles you had in jobs, what you learned and what you hope to accomplish.
All of that.
The people you know, the lives you have helped, the people who have helped you in your life…
All of that and more is possible; however there isn’t that much time.
For all of that today.
Instead, tell us about something important, meaningful and relevant to what is happening right now. The next time we get together, tell us about the stuff that has happened since then and be sure to continue the story. We can do this forever.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl