More and more, we are becoming technology dependent…From our phones and computers to our cars and even to our home thermostats and lighting controls.
Did somebody say Alexa? (Siri doesn’t always listen…nor do we want her to do so.)
The more we use it, the more we need it. In our defense, it isn’t really our fault. Human brains adapt. Finally, I think I have adapted to the time change. Either that, or I have integrated a steady stream of caffeine into my diet. This has given me the ability to push right through to being able to stay up to what would be considered normal hours for a working adult parent.
My older, but completely serviceable phone was dying a quick and painful death…all since the latest release of the newest iPhones, compounded by a poorly timed upgrade to the latest OS built for said latest iPhone.
Today, I needed to get service on my phone. Admittedly, it was tough to drive somewhere and leave it there, even in the trusted hands of my favorite Apple retailer. (Seriously, I’ve known this guy and his wife for over a decade…they sold me my first MacBook Pro and got me on the road to all things Apple.)
That said, I was feeling pretty out of touch, no GPS, no phone, no text, no access to my calendar, nor a camera or notepad.
I know I am technology dependent…but I really didn’t consider how very much. You probably don’t either…but think about it the next time you try to parallel park your car or back out of your driveway.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl