If you’re of the generations that remember…you probably said this phrase: “take a picture it will last longer.”
It was definitely said with sarcasm or annoyance at someone staring inappropriately.
Only photographers – professional ones – and tourists carried cameras everywhere they went.
The first was always very careful to plan the shot, setting, light and surreptitiously capture the moment. A moment in time, the results of which they’d have to wait hours, or even days to see, unless they had their own dark room and ran back to develop the film right away.
The latter, never cautious, often careless and cavalier in their aim, shoot and capture. Nonetheless they’d wait with bated breath for the money shot they’d taken on vacation. A sunset, smile or statue – creating their proof of the trip and memories at the same time.
Now, selfies are commonplace and I read a stat somewhere that at one point in time, a few years ago, more pictures are taken with smartphones than in all of history. That year. I can’t find that article at this moment, but I found another one that was worth the quick read.
- According to Mylio, in 2017 people will take around 1.2 trillion pictures – double the number taken somewhere between 2011 and 2012.
You don’t have to say “take a picture” to kids anymore; because oh don’t sorry (ha!!), they will take them, just like mom, GrandMom and the cousins or friends (should I say “and” friends?) The only real question is – will you get to see it? I sure hope so, because then it certainly will last a lot longer even if only in your mind’s eye.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl