Sometimes, it is easier to start fresh and new, from scratch than to try to edit something to make it better.
A clean slate means that you don’t have any baggage, stale ideas or even outdated ideals. People change. Businesses need to adapt. Everyone needs to modify what they do, how they present their products and services to the public – to their customers – to keep up.
The typewriter and turn table are essentially nostalgic products that people can buy (again) in retail stores because someone decided to bring them back; not because they are still in high demand and mass produced for the common man. Instead, it is for the teen who wants to be a journalist and saw it in a movie, or heard that true sound is found on a hi-fi. Or, maybe because they cleaned out their grandparents’ house and found albums that they couldn’t play and the record player had long since been donated or sold for $1 at a garage sale.
That doesn’t mean that those items are still made the same way. Just that they use similar technology to create a more reliable version of an antique item. With crisper letters and deeper, richer sound.
Clear your mind, start fresh. Think about what you want to say. Don’t reinvent everything, but what you want to say today and who you are may be different than you were last year, 5 years ago or even decades ago. They say “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”, but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t do better.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl