Whenever you have a problem, no matter what it is in your life – she will be there.
- Your friend.
- Your sister.
- Your mom.
- Your aunt.
- Your co-worker.
Women are always there for others. They just show up. They somehow know… and then, they are there.
- They go shopping, they drink tea/coffee/wine/beer/shots with you.
- They hug,
- They cry.
- They laugh.
- They let you be you.
They understand.
No matter what – it is the girl you can always count on in your life – she will be there, always. Even when you don’t think you need her. That said…so, will your brother, your dad, your uncle or your co-worker…if you just tell them that you need help. Sure, women have intuition and it works in their favor – but if we are all better at communication, telling the men in our lives what we need, what we want and why it is so important – they will understand. They love us, too.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl