For a very, very long time I have been thinking about how colleges and universities have been selling the dream.
Going through college search for the second go around – third if you count my own personal journey – and it is getting more and more difficult.
- We are optimistic.
- We are excited.
- We are open minded.
- We are trying to make the right decision(s).
- We are unsure.
- We are worried.
- We are aware of the costs, and still not sure what it will actually cost in the end.
- We are wondering if it will be everything we think it is going to be.
It is a huge responsibility and there is never the “right answer.”
- Will this be the the perfect place to be for the next 4 (or 5) years?
- Will this be the start of a perfect career?
- Will this turn into the perfect life?
Today, like almost every other tour, they focus at some point, on what the kids want to do. I can’t help but wonder (even though I know they wouldn’t do this in the general info session,) if they will ever be so bold to ask the parents if they knew what they wanted to do – or if they were already doing it – and if they would get a greater than 50% show of hands?
They wouldn’t ask. I know they wouldn’t, because they are selling the dream. Of course, we all have dreams and we may be living them; or, we may be continuing to strive for more and knowing that life is never perfect. Maybe, instead, that is what we should be sharing with our kids – because that is one of the best things we could do for them as part of our last year we are able to impart as much wisdom with them as possible – something that you can’t learn in a lecture hall.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl