Is it good or bad to offer your menu, your services or your product “same as always“?
Each person probably has a very different perspective.
I would say the answer is – both.
- If you want a cup of coffee, as you run for your train…good.
- If you are enjoying dessert out after a gourmet meal…both – bad or good.
- I happen to prefer a different cup of coffee with dessert than for breakfast, but tastes vary, so while I say “bad”, someone else may say “good”.
- If you have eaten lunch at the same 18 restaurants/cafes/deli counters for the last 4 years…bad.
- I used to work near the Reading Terminal Market, there are some fabulous lunch spots in there. You really could eat there every day for a month and never have the same thing twice; but after 4 years, they all start to become, well…boring.
- If you shop at a market and know that you can fit all of your groceries into 2 of their carry out sacks, but then they opt for a lesser quality plastic bag to save money, save the environment or force you to buy their reusable totes…both – good and bad.
- Good for the environment.
- Bad for you as the bag breaks, or you have to buy yet another tote to go along with the countless other ones you forgot at home because you cleaned out your car to haul donations for the clothing drive last weekend…and keep forgetting to put them back.
- If you upgraded your phone because the last time you got a new one it was the last decade…both – good and bad.
- Good that you finally embraced something new.
- Bad because your other phone was so old, all of your music is locked in the old phone’s old technology and even the miracle workers at Best Buy can’t transfer it for you.
Depending on how you look at it, same as always can be both good or bad. Right now… good that I took 5 days “off” but, bad that I worked like a fiend before I left and I didn’t get far enough ahead to make it to the weekend without an all-nighter.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl