Imagine that your business has been through a re-branding. New name out front, new signs and new products or services for sale… but it is still struggling to attract new customers or bring back former ones. It is very sad, but true that sometimes, just sometimes, it was (and is) the people who work there. As the owner, you have to make a tough decision.
We’ve been there. Taking over a business. Re-branding it, making it “our own”. It takes a lot of effort to change the image of the customers.
Looking back, I know there were a few people we should not have kept on the team after the first day. We knew quickly that they didn’t contribute 100% what we needed from them. They didn’t really deserve to be there. But… we were worried that we needed people to perform and they “knew what to do” during a busy holiday season. After the season was over, though, we had to make a change and they had to go.
No matter what – don’t ever doubt yourself, trust that the people you want to have on your team will come to you. They will lift you and your business up. It isn’t easy to have to fire someone, especially a long time, seasoned employee. It will probably be one of the most difficult decisions you have to make, but in the end, you will be much better off for having done it. I know it is sad, but true entrepreneurs have to look to the future and make the right decision, quickly. We were just learning… we would do it differently the next time.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl