Retailers – especially the bigger ones – choose each of their locations on purpose – and even more specifically, with purpose.
In the mall, the Weight Watchers is directly across from the main exit of Victoria’s Secret. This does not surprise me… of course, it does perpetuate the positive and negative body image issues so many women (and face it, men also) have today.
Why? Because it works. In fact, that particular “location, location, location” does more for marketing Weight Watchers (and possibly the other way around, but not as often I would guess) than direct mail offers or print ads.
As much as I write this blog for those of you who own a business, or aspire to own one some day, I also want to make sure that you – as a consumer – don’t let the marketing world affect your image of your self.
You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are loved. No matter the place you frequent more… WW or VS.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl