There are many times in life when you are not sure you are making the right decision. Some choices are more complicated because the level of risk is unknown.
- Should I take this job or stay where I am and wait for the right one? (Are you running away from something or to something else?)
- Should we sleep in or get up and go to work out? (Did you work out the day before…or skip that workout, too?)
- Should open the junk mail from the credit card company or toss it? (If you pay all of the bills online, it isn’t a statement so how important could it be?)
Some decisions however, are not as hard as others.
- Should we watch both movies tonight or save one for next week? (Tomorrow is the weekend, if there’s no place to go…)
- Should we get dessert or appetizers? (How hungry are you now and more importantly, what is on the dessert menu?)
- Should you get Book 2 and 3 in the series? (You loved Book 1 and they are both in stock and you still have that gift card left from your birthday.)
Today, I overheard a mom saying to her son, “I’m not sure that GrandPa would like that… (a LEGO set)… for Christmas.” I am 100% sure that if my kids gave my dad a LEGO set for their holiday gift, he would be thrilled to sit down and build it with them.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS Dad this isn’t foreshadowing, but I still don’t think it is off the table.
PPS Stay. Get up. Toss it. Both. Appetizers. Both.