I am apparently not good enough for buying Gucci hand bags, which I just found out the other day. Not that I wanted a Gucci handbag, but just the same, maybe now I do.
The story was told as a marketing anecdote, essentially, that some companies can and will restrict their customers – selling only to whom it is they want as a customer. So, as the story goes, Gucci – the one located on 5th Avenue – was always closed between 12PM and 2PM. They didn’t particulalary want someone’s business if they could only shop there on a lunch “hour“.
Well…perhaps Gucci was on to something. Or, maybe not. (They are, by the way, now open 10AM-6PM every day except Sunday when they close at 5PM.)
I am wondering if exclusivity is the goal of our little boutique in town, too. They are only open a few days a week – if I read the sign right – Open Tuesday to Friday from 1PM to 5PM.
I tried to shop here for my last “special occasion” seeking something different. It was closed then, too – just like today. I drove by at 11AM and thought, “Oh, ok, they’re opening at 1PM today.”
When I drove back over there trying to find a new tunic for tonight, only then did I realize it must be an emulation of Gucci… and I am not good enough to shop here if I am waiting until Saturday to find a new outfit. Well, hmmm. Okay; I guess I am not the target demographic – even though I do work from home and have an awful lot of flexibillity in my schedule – to them I say…C’est la vie.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl