Sometimes as adults…we forget about making nice.
As parents we have to focus on this effort. Helping kids learn the essentials of life.
Besides please, and thank you – which is much much more than “no problem” – there are so many other aspects critical to social, civil and mature civilization.
- Listening to each other.
- Being patient while waiting in line or for someone who needs more time.
- Helping someone put their coat on and find an apparently errant sleeve.
- Pausing for a moment to make sure everyone has received their food before eating.
- Acknowledging life’s moments with simple statements of “Congratulations!”, or “I’m sorry”, or “well done!”
It’s in our best interests as a society to focus some of our efforts in making nice people…and this is something even adults can help others, the non-kids in our lives, be to each other, for each other, and do just because we share our world together.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl