In this world, even if you have wealthy parents, you should make your own way. Granted a few zeros will help you get your start, whether it is $1,000 or a million*.
In our case, it was much closer to the lower figure and was in the form of help paying for college; making up for the gap in the loans, grants and scholarships needed to pay the entire tuition fee.
Tonight, as my sisters and I reiminsce about some aspects of growing upi in suburban New Jersey, just 45 minutes from New York City, we know that we had every bit of help that our parents could offer.
When it comes to the little things in life…like cooking for 14 on a mini-break (not quite enough snow to ski) weekend.
Dinner was chosen for it’s optimal level of personal satisfaction, from age 7.5 to 66, a crowd pleaser…make your own pizza. All we did (well, my sisters and my mom) was prep the toppings. Then, the kids – after hours of running up the snow tubing hill and flying back down – chose carefully their toppings and created their own masterpiece for dinner. It certainly makes for happy campers when sharing “closer” quarters in the cabin.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
* I guess I was thinking of Trump – he’s everywhere – and remembering how he took NYC and Atlantic CIty by storm back in the 80s and 90s. He wasn’t a self made man… his father gave him a boost that got him from merely a millionaire to whatever he’s worth today.
I am not sure how it is going to end, but most polititians have a boost that gets them started and the other current front runners in the primaries are no exception. Will they remember where they started and how they felt before? People stand for what they believe, but the reality is, these people – on both sides of the fence – have so much more than most Americans. They may not remember when they didn’t and what does that mean for America? Can they relate to sharing a room to make a weekend getaway feasible?