It isn’t easy to start generating interest in something that is out of season or has come and gone already. Normally, when the seasons change, the things that you do in the late spring, summer and early fall are just put on the shelf for winter – waiting for the warmer weather and the sunshine.
Today, we could have ended our not ski weekend with a swim in the indoor pool (open all year) but instead we decided to get out of doors again and do a round of mini-golf. The greens were a mess, so they charged us half price, and the kids had fun in spite of themselves. (Hmm, I just realized that I owe somebody money!)
Tonight *being recorded for us to watch uninterrupted, the Oscars. Movies that were in the theater as long as a year ago are back in the spotlight and will be brought back into center stage – even if they don’t win.
The awards creating the hope of a win for the actors, the directors and the movie itself generating interest in titles that, for the most part, have come and gone from the theaters and in some cases, on-demand, too. Whatever the reason, may you enjoy the show. I am sure some of them deserve a second chance…
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl
PS I didn’t see MOST of the shows, but for all the screen time he had, Matt Damon probably deserves more than a nod from the Academy.