You think this is about secrets don’t you? Keep it in the family…it’s not. Not really. No. Okay, it can be.
Some think it is best to keep it secret. Don’t tell any one what is going on with you. Work it out on your own and hold it in.
If you keep doing this it can become a conditioned response:
- “I’m fine” (I even said this to the massage therapist when I came in to have her look at a pinched nerve.)
- “We are good” (We need that extra set up and now we also need some more napkins.)
- “Okay” (The standard answer to the question: “How was your day?”) Every day.
- “I’m not sick” (Okay, this one is a flat out lie because the only time this is asked is when someone looks ill, tired or not themselves…don’t lie about this.)
Set that aside for a moment. Conditioned response, keeping it casual may be good or bad depending on who it affects. If it doesn’t affect anyone but you, do what you want. But, maybe, just maybe, tell your family and the professionals who can. Help. You.
On a lighter note, few people think “keep it in the brand family” unless you’re in the brand development industry, design or marketing. If you are, this is what you think about all the time.
And this is what I meant. Really. (The other topic just came to mind fleshing this out. I mean it.)
When you first read the title. Did you think branding? Did you think of The Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic? What about Athleta?
Today, my dress was by Banana Republic. My scarf from The Gap. Shoes, cute (although NOT comfortable) the same strawberry red as in the scarf, my Gap ballet slippers; however, in a last minute change, I chose the black leather boots instead.
You can just think about this topic in terms of dresses and accessories, keep it light. Keep it fun. Just like the marketing department. We’ll be here for you when you need us. “Two drink minimum.” (Not my joke. That’s Scott Adam’s Dilbert.)
You don’t have to try hard to keep it in the family, especially when purchased on the branded Gap credit card that gives in-store rewards, encouraging customers to shop there even more. Brand Loyalty achieved.
If you don’t want to keep it light. Think about how sharing information, outside of your immediate family can help others. Things that might be genetically passed down from one family to another as the generations expand. My mom has done a great job of sharing information with her children as she has heard from other family members across the country. What has happened with uncles, aunts, grandparents and cousins who are older can give some great insight.
Get this checked, be aware of this… all good to know – even if they may not be good things. If you can prevent a future problem, through advance treatment, or a minor change to your diet wouldn’t you try it? Wouldn’t it be better to know?
I know that this is kind of a heavy topic but, there are a lot of things that we don’t talk about – even with medical professionals, so if you prefer not to that’s okay. If you’d prefer to think about brands and the way things go together better when they started from the same place, that’s okay too. I’ll probably do both, keep it in the family – without even a glance at Pinterest – and share it, too. Just in case it can help others.
~ Dawn aka Hat Girl